Adding and Making Tables Print

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Assuming you are in RVSB and editing the page you wish the table to be placed.

1.  On the blank page drag a full Blank Section to it from the Section Menu.  The one at the top
2.  From the Mini Text Bar.  Not the Bigger Square Text box but the one that is single line, Click on Insert>Table
3.  The standard 3x1 table appears
4.  Then click in the Right Cell and then in the Bigger Text editor box click on Table
5.  You will see in that Menu Table Objects.  Putting your cursor over them you can see where you can add Columns / Rows or delete them.
6.  Click on Insert Column After.  That added a column. Do this to get the number of Columns you wish.
7.  You will notice the columns changing widths.  Remember it assumes the columns are of equal width and adjusts them to fit the page to avoid scrolling.
8.  Changing each Column width is a bit tricky. Selecting a Cell and being sure are in the Table text box, Place your cursor on a cell side and slid it to the size you want.  Started on the left as all the other cells will change in width in proportion of the full table width.  Do this to each cell in the table.
9. To add rows just go to the Big Text Box > Table and then find the Icon to add rows below the current table row.
You can add as many rows as you wish.  I have found it best, instead of ONE very long Table to just add a Table below the current one say after 10-15 rows.  This helps if you mess something up ALL the other Tables Cells are not affected.
10 Be sure to save your work.

Working with tables can be frustrating for sure.  But once you get the hang of it the process gets easier.
With the advent of Responsive Websites, Tables do not behave as well as they used in Static sites.

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