How to set up your template Print

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Most likely you will not find a template that fits your likes or needs. However, RVSiteBuilder is highly customizable and contains Christian and Faith images for your ministry  as supplied by me.  The idea of a web page template is fading away as the web is evolving.  With RVSiteBuilder you will use templates but they will be what you want them to be rather than selected by someone else.

Here is what I suggest you do to get started.

1. Pick a template with a color layout you like.  This will save you some work later.  But remember just about anything can be changed. You are not locked into any prefab layout for a page.

2.  Once your template is loaded go to the Design Tab and change the Banner picture in the Header Tab.  You can use your own picture (being mindful of the suggested hight and width) or you can also chose several Banner images that I have uploaded.  To find them go to the the button that says "Add Header Image"

Click Image Library then Image Library again.  Click on the Folder "Inspirational"  Some of the Banner images are there for legacy sites and may not look well.  But I had to keep them for older site compatibility.

 You can repeat this for each Banner Image you wish.  If you have more than one Banner Image then they will be presented as a slide show.  You can continue working with the Header section as necessary 

3. After you are done with the Design Tab (you can always come back to it later) Click on the Pages Tab.  This is where you will make your page entries.

Each page is broken up into Sections and Sections and will have blocks in the section.  Some blocks are for pictures and some for text etc.

The first thing is to remove all the prefab sections by clicking in the Section then in the BLUE vertical Menu click the X

In the end you should have a blank page except for the Header showing.

4. Now the fun part.  You will see in the upper left corner an Icon that says "Section"  Scroll through them to find a layout you like.  Maybe a large picture at the top with text below or what ever you like.  Then just Drag and Drop that section on the page.

You can now change the default picture and text to what ever you like by clicking on it.  To change a default picture:

First upload the picture by clicking the unwanted  picture then the UP arrow.  Find the picture you want on your computer and upload it and it will replace the current one.  Once you have a picture uploaded you can use it again without uploading another copy of it.  Use the Replace arrow instead of the Upload arrow on the picture.

You can mix and match as many Sections you wish on a page.  

5. To add a new page, just click on Page Setting then Add a Page.

Pages can have colored or graphic back grounds and pictures can have boarders of various sized and color and even made into Ovals.

Play around with things but always remember to SAVE the page before you exit.  All will be lost if you don't do that. 

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