Creating Email Address - Text Version Print

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You can manage your mail account by the following:
Enter cPanel by going through your Client Area  on Login on Tab My Account. 
Enter your user Name  (supplied in the log in information sent when account was open)
and your password.  If you don't have or know the password you can use the Forgot Password function.
Once logged in find the section "Your Active Products/Services" You will see a list of all your
Hosting accounts.  Click the "Log in to cPanel" button for the Hosting Account you want for cPanel,

On the next page you will see some cPanel Quick Shortcuts.  If you wish or need the full cPanel
interface then under "Actions"  click "Login to cPanel"
This will bring you to your Main cPanel Screen. When you are there go the section called E-Mail and click on the "Email Accounts" Icon.
You will see all your current mail accounts.  
Click on Create
At the Top of the screen fill in the information for the new email account.
Simply enter the email user you wish to create. Note that the extension for your domain name is already filled in. Choose a password for the mail account.  This can be any word you want but be sure to remember it.  Even I can not tell you what you have chosen if you forget it.   This  should be different than your log in password you used to enter your site.  Each E-mail account can have it own password.  When  this is done then click "Create" at the bottom of the screen.
That should do it.  The new account should be listed with the current ones.
If you are using an Email Client to get your mail be sure NOT to click "Keep mail on the sever"

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