Logging Into RVSiteBuilder Print

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You can log into the RVSiteBuilder by going to your cPanel.

To enter cPanel:

1.  First log into your account.

2.  Once logged in OPEN the section "Services".  You will see a list of all your
Hosting accounts.  Click the Green "Active" of Hosting Account you want for cPanel,

3.  On the next page you see a section "Actions"  click "Login to cPanel"

Also there are some cPanel Shortcuts (Quick Shortcuts) that list some of the more
popular cPanel functions.  But you will want to Click on Log in to cPanel on the left
vertical Menu.

Once in cPanel find the section "Software/Services" and click on RVSitebuilder. 

Do not Click on RVSiteBuilder 7 unless you wan to completely wipe out your current site

on the Web.

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